Care sheet in different languages

🇩🇪 German
Store the slime at room temperature and do not place it in the sun or near a
heater. The slime container must be tightly closed so that the slime does not dry out.

Slime too sticky or too runny?
Detailed instructions on how to make and use the activator can be found here .

Slime too solid?
Knead a little pure glycerin into the slime or place the slime in its container on the heater or in the sun until it is softer.

Handling tips

  • Don't take the slime in your hands straight away, but knead it in the container first. Hands need to get used to slime, which means it can take a few minutes until the slime is no longer sticky.

  • If the slime still sticks to your hands, spread a few drops of activator in your hands or follow the tip from “Slime too sticky or too runny?”

  • We recommend not playing with a slime for more than 15 minutes at a time.
Warning: Slime is not edible! Wash hands before and after use. Pets must not come into contact with slime. It can stick to hair and clothing. If you have any questions, we will be happy to help you via email.

Store the slime at room temperature and do not place it in the sun or near a heater. The container of the slime has to be closed well in order to prevent dried out slime.

Slime is sticky or melted?
Detailed instructions on how to make and use activator can be found here .

Slime is stiff?
Knead a little pure glycerine into the slime or place the slime (in its container) on the heater or in the sun until the desired consistency is achieved.

Handling tips

  • Do not knead the slime in your hands directly, knead it in the container first so that the skin gets used to it.

  • If the slime still sticks to your hands after a few minutes, distribute some drops of activator in your hands or use the tip from “Slime is sticky?”.

  • We recommend not playing with a slime for longer than 15 minutes at a time.

Warning: Slime is not edible! Wash hands before and after use. Pets are not allowed to get into contact with slime. Can stick to hair and clothing.

If you have any questions, we will be happy to help you via email.

🇫🇷 French
Keep the slime at an ambient temperature and place it in the sun or near the radiator. The content of the slime is still fermented to keep it dry.

Slime trop collant or trop liquid?
You will find a detailed guide to prepare and use the activation device.

Slime too long?
Pétrissez a piece of pure glycérine in the slime or placez-le in the pot on a radiator or on the soleil just like the devienne plus mou.

Usage advice:

  • You can put the slime directly in the mains, but you can also put it in the pot.
  • If you add slime to the mains, you can also use the activator in the mains or apply the section "Slime trop collant ou trop liquide?".
  • Nous recommandons de pas jouer avec the slime pendant plus de 15 minutes d'affilée.

Attention: Le slime isn't coming! Lavez-vous les mains avant et après utilisation. The domestic animals do not enter into contact with the slime. Peut coller aux cheveux and aux clothes.
For all questions, don't hesitate to contact us via e-mail.

🇳🇱 Dutch

Beware of the temperature of the chamber and the places in which it is heated. The container of the slijm has been slotted to good effect, so the slijm is never uitdroogt.

Would you like to have fun in the world?
Here you will find detailed information about how to make and use the activator.

Slim too hard?
Kneed wat pure glycerine in the slijm of plaats the slijm in zijn pot op de warming of in the zone totdat het zachter wordt.

Tips for use:

  • You can't put it in your hands until you kneel first in the pot. You can put your hands in the pot when it's in the palm of your hand, it can take a few minutes before you can see the picture.
  • If you have a small number of signs on your hands, then there will be a couple of druplets activator in the hands of the volume of the tip from the section "Slijm te plakkerig of te vloeibaar?".
  • We cycled for a long time in 15 minutes along the river with a lot of fun.

Let op: Slijm is niet eetbaar! What is available for use. Huisdieren may never come into contact with slijm. Can have hair and clothing in a variety of colors.
For help, we always contact you via email.

🇩🇰 Danish

Opbevar slimen ved stuetemperatur og undgå at placere the i solen or tæt på en varmekilde. Slimens holder should have a good light, the slimes can also be heard.

Slim for klistret eller for flydende?
You can find more detailed information about the stilling and the activators here .

Slim for hard?
There is glycerin in the slime, the style of the slime is in the holder for the radiator or the sole, in order to make the bliver blødere.

Tips for handling

  • Day ikke straks slimen helt i hænderne, men ælt the prince i beholderen. Hands can be used for slime, which can be used for days and minutes, for a longer klister.
  • Hvis slimen stadig klistrer til hænderne, kan du diele et par dråber activator på hænderne or anvende rådet fra afsnittet "Slim for klistret or for flydende?".
  • Vi anbefaler, at man ikke leger med slim i just end 15 minutes ad gangen.

Advarsel: Slimen he's ikke spiselig! Vask hænderne for and efter bridge. Husdyr må ikke come in contact with slimen. Can be heard and heard.
If you have a message, please contact us via e-mail.

🇪🇸 Spanish
Guard the slime in an ambient temperature and no coloques in the sun without having a
high temperature. The recipient of the slime is always safe to use and is sequential.

¿Slime demasiado pegajoso or liquid?
You can find a detailed guide to prepare and use the activation .

Hard, stale slime?
Amasa a poco de glicerina pura en el slime or coloca el slime en su recipiente sobre a radiador or al sol hasta que se ablande.

Advice on how to handle it:

  • No tomes the slime directly on the hands, firstly amásalo on the recipiente. If you don't have to eat the slime, you'll have to wait a few minutes to get the pegarse.
  • If the slime is pegándose a las manos, distribuye unas gotas de activador en las manos or sigue el consejo de la sección "¿Slime demasiado pegajoso or liquid?".
  • We recommend not playing with the slime for more than 15 minutes.

Advertencia: ¡El slime no es comestible! Wash the hands before and after using it. The mascotas do not come into contact with the slime. Puede pegarse al cabello ya la ropa.
If they are already ready, they will be excited by the electric cable.

🇹🇷 Turkish
Slime'ı oda sıcaklığında saklayın ve güneşe veya ısıtıcının yakınına koymayın. Slime'ın kabı iyi kapatılmalıdır, aksi takdirde slime kuruyabilir.

Slime çok yapışkan veya çok sıvı mı?
Aktivatörün nasıl yapılacağı and kullanılacağına in the detail can be found in burada bulabilirsiniz .

Slime, how do I like it?
Slime'ın içine biraz saf gliserin yoğurun veya slime'ı kabıyla birlikte ısıtıcının üzerine ya da güneşe koyun, yumuşayana kadar bekleyin.

Our recommendations:

  • Slime'ı doğrudan elinize almayın, once kabında yoğurun. Ellerin slime'a alışması birkaç dakika sürebilir, bu sürede slime yapışabilir.
  • Slime hala ellere yapışıyorsa, ellerinize birkaç damla activatör sürün veya "Slime çok yapışkan veya çok sıvı mı?" bölümündeki öneriyi uygulayın.
  • Bir slime is aralıksız 15 dakikadan fazla oynamamanızı tavsiye ederiz.

Dikkat: Slime yenmez! Kullanımdan once and sonra ellerinizi yıkayın. Evcil hayvanların slime ile temas etmesine izin vermeyin. Saçlara and giysilere yapışabilir.
Herhangi bir sorunuz varsa, bize e-posta yoluyla ulaşabilirsiniz.

🇸🇪 Swedish

Förvara slime i rumstemperatur och placera the inte i brine or nära ett element. Slime containers must be available for the slime torkar ut.

Slime for klibbigt or for flying?
A detailed guide for you to work and use the activator Finn's hair .

Slime for ears?
Knåda in liter ren glycerin i slime, or placera slime i sin burk på ett element eller i solen tills det blir mjukare.

Tips for trading:

  • To inte slime directly in your hands, you can knåda it for the first time. Handerna behöver vänja sig vid slime, vilket kan ta några minuter innan the slutar klibba.
  • The slime continues to be fast on the hands, you can use the drop activator on the hands or the tipset under "Slime for klibbigt or for flytande?".
  • We recommend that you get the slime in just 15 minutes.

Observera: Slime är inte ätbart! Tvätta händena före och efter användning. Husdjur bör inte comma i contact med slime. I can almost hear it as well.

Vid frågor hjälper vi dig gärna via e-mail.

🇵🇱 Polish
Przechowuj slime w temperaturze pokojowej, nie wystawiaj go na działanie słońca
ani never umieszczaj w pobliżu grzejnika. Pojemnik ze slime'em music być szczelnie zamknięty, but slime never wysechł.

Slime zbyt lepki lub zbyt płynny?
Szczegółowy przewodnik dotyczący przygotowania and użycia actywatora znajdziesz tutaj .

Slime is twilight?
Wgnieć trochę czystej gliceryny w slime albo umieść go w pojemniku na grzejniku lub w słońcu, aż zmięknie.

Wskazówki dotyczące użytkowania:

  • Never beer slime or razu do rąk, tylko najpierw ugniataj go w pojemniku. Ręce muszą przyzwyczaić się do slime'u, coże zająć kilka minute, zanim przestanie się small.
  • Jeśli slime nadal klei się do rąk, rozprowadź kilka kropel aktywatora na dłoniach lub zastosuj wskazówkę z sekcji "Slime zbyt lepki lub zbyt płynny?".
  • Zalecamy, but never bawić się slime'em dłużej niż 15 minutes bez przerwy.

Uwaga: Slime never jest jadalny! Umyj ręce przed i po użyciu. Zwierzęta domowe never powinny mieć contactu ze slime'em. Most of the time you can see what you're looking for.
W razie pytań chętnie pomożemy przez e-mail.